CCC 2022 FAQ

Please browse the information on this page prior to contacting our support representatives.  Many of the questions you may have about the conference can be answered here.  Additional details, including schedules, will be available inside the Conference secured web pages for all attendees.

General Information

What is the CCC 2022?

The CCC 2022 is a virtual genealogical event offering registrants recorded lectures and live-chats by national and international experts on a variety of topics.   These will include up-to-date genealogical tools and resources such as DNA and the ever-increasing, availability of online sources, among others.

What is the history of the CCC 2022?

Part of TIARA's mission is to provide genealogical education to its members and to the genealogy community in general.   TIARA has offered seminars and conferences since its beginning and continues to this day.   The first Celtic Connections Conference took place in 2014 at Bentley University in Waltham, MA.   Three more have taken place since; 2016 (Minneapolis, MN), 2018 (Newton, MA) and 2020 (Virtual).

Was the CCC 2022 planned as a virtual seminar?

Yes.   This is the first time that TIARA has offered a virtual seminar on its own.   In 2020 TIARA and the IGSI (Irish Genealogical Society International, based in Minnesota) offered a virtual conference in place of an in-person conference, for the first time, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.   An in-person Celtic Connections Conference had been jointly organized with IGSI on three prior occasions, every two years, starting in 2014.

What are the dates of the CCC 2022?

The CCC 2022 begins at 12:00 PM EDT on July 9, 2022 and runs through 11:59 PM EDT on September 30, 2022.   The conference includes individual presentations, scheduled live chats, and scheduled group breakouts.   Please see the CCC 2022 homepage for details.

Do I have to be a member of TIARA to register for the Conference?

No.  The CCC 2022 is open to all registrants regardless of their TIARA membership.   However, if you are interested in membership, please visit the TIARA website for more information and details.  PLEASE NOTE: All registrants to the conference may choose to receive a free membership that will expire June 30, 2023.


What should a registrant expect from a presentation?

All presentations are pre-recorded and are available to any conference registrant during the duration of the conference.  Each will last between 50-55 minutes and may include related slides.

How do I know the target level of the presentations?

The target level is indicated along with each presentation's description.

Why are the presentations organized by tracks?

Tracks are used to identify specific areas of interest pertinent to each area of genealogy a registrant has an interest in.  Each presentation's description clearly indicates its track.

Where do I find information on each presenter?

Presenter Biographies are available on the Presenters & Programs page on the CCC 2022 website.

Live Chats

What should a registrant expect from a live-chat?

Live-chats are scheduled during the duration of the conference and will be delivered by single or multiple presenters based on the themes of their presentations.

How do I send in a question to a presenter for a live-chat?

Specific guidelines and format must be followed.  Format and guidelines are available on the schedule page on the conference webpage for live-chats.

May I attend multiple live-chats?

Registrants may attend as many live-chats as they choose.

How do I sign up for live-chats?

No signup is required.

Can I attend all the live-chats?

Yes.   There is no limit to the number of attendees for each live-chat.   Each chat is scheduled to begin and end at a specific time on a specific date.  It is recommended that each attendee arrive within 5 minutes of the start time for each chat.

How and where do people send their live-chat questions for speakers?

Questions to each live-chat presenter, pertinent to their lecture topics, must be sent to the Live-Chat host at least one week prior to the date of the relevant live-chat.

Is there a limit to how many words can be used for each question?

Each question cannot be more than 50 words; conciseness is important.   In an effort to address as many questions as possible in a limited period of time, the live-chat organizers may edit questions received.

Will all questions be answered by the presenters?

Please be aware live-chat organizers will do everything possible to address as many questions as possible, but due to time constraints and depending on the number and variety of questions received, we may not be able to include all questions received.


When do I have access to the syllabus and where do I go to access it?

Each registrant will receive an email approximately one week before the beginning of the CCC.  This email will contain the required password to access the syllabus.  The syllabus will be fully downloadable and printable.

Can I buy a paper copy of the syllabus?

No.  Since the CCC is virtual, only electronic versions of the syllabus are available.  Feel free to print it out.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Will there be a customer satisfaction survey?

Yes.   A customer satisfaction survey will be sent electronically to all conference registrants.

Conference Accessibility

What types of accommodation are you offering for individuals with disabilities?

All presentations will be recorded using closed captioning.   During live events, participants can turn on a live transcription of what is being said through Zoom and Rev software.


What is the registration fee for the Celtic Connections Conference 2022?

The registration fee for the conference is $99.00 US, payable on the CCC 2022 web site registration form by credit/debit card using PayPal, or by check payable to: TIARA, 121 Boston Post Rd., Suite #3 Sudbury, MA 01776.

What does the registration fee for the Celtic Connections Conference 2022 include?

The registration fee includes over 50 recorded lectures given by 22 presenters between July 9, 2022 and September 30, 2022.   It also includes an electronic syllabus in PDF form, 15 scheduled live chats, and access to special online activities.

How do I pay the registration fee?

You can pay by credit card or by check.   If you pay by check, your registration will be considered as "pending" until we receive full payment.  It is recommended that a full week be given for clearance of any check sent.  Instructions are available on the CCC 2022 registration form [LINK].

Why do I have to go to PayPal when I want to pay by credit card?

Using PayPal's Pay as a Guest option allows you to pay the registration fee by credit card without having to have a PayPal account.

How do I gain access to the conference once I have registered?

Each registrant will receive an email approximately one week before the beginning of the CCC.  This email will contain the required password to gain access to a CCC orientation session, the CCC presentations, the CCC Chats and the syllabus.

Do I receive a discount if I register early?

No.  There is no early bird discount for registration to this conference.

Will I be able to register once the CCC 2022 is underway?

Yes.  You can register all the way up to the very last day that recorded presentations are available for viewing.  Online events generally will not be recorded, so if you register after the date of the event, you won't be able to view them.

What happens if the CCC 2022 is over-subscribed?

There is no limit to the number of people who can participate in viewing the recorded presentations.   Chats and online activities are limited to 500 people.

How do I cancel my registration for the CCC 2022?

Cancellations received by Saturday, July 2, 2022 will receive a full refund less a $20.00 USD processing fee.   Cancel by emailing, providing your name, address, and conference confirmation code.

Who do I contact if I am having trouble with registration?

Direct inquiries to:

Who do I contact if I am having trouble finding and or printing my syllabus?

Direct inquiries to:

Who do I contact If I lose my password?

Direct inquiries to:

Who do I contact if am having tech issues with presentations or chats?

Direct inquiries to: